
Cuteki cute

Sunday, December 23, 2012


allow me to post this in english.

it's been a long time, like about 6months(i think..)..
since i opened my own blog. or even have any ideas to write about anything.(not that i have any ideas now).
i just read tapau's blog and a few other blogs.
a lot of catching up was done. (hey, 6months worth of post is a lot.)
i am amazed on how people get ideas to write on their blogs. (just proves that either i'm too busy or no interesting story to tell a.k.a my life is dull)
what do you think? hmm..

anyway, the reason i am writing this post, is because, hey! its holiday time, kinda free, but actually not really. on the 26th got to go to my lab, n start my experiment. orz. this is because i have to wait for the adhesive stuff(simple language: glue) to harden up. got to start (writing my thesis, which i cannot refer to last years senior's thesis, because it is absolutely not the same.
my sensei said that



and the reason that i am writing this in english, is because, i kinda miss english. it's getting rusty, like seriously.
i want to read an english book, but i just can't decide on what book should i read. something fictional. any suggestions? (kalo has sensei baca ni, msti ad buku yg sensei bole suggest to me, kan?) yoropiku

maybe i'll start writing more often. (tekankan pda part maybe)
so, this winter holiday's main event is...
#1 fuyu gathering (PRESTIJ)
#2 snowboard ( bak kata tapau, jom terbang)

thats enough from me.
btw, this gadget is kinda 便利。(convenient)

japanese words pops up first, than english, proper malay? is very rusty i tell u.

conclusion: it's not that i don't have any ideas on what to post... i think its because i have problems expressing myself... i think..

its 0325 23rd Dec 2013
writing off. buhbye. wassalam..